The Tocqueville Forum for Political Understanding is an organization at Georgetown University composed of members of the faculty and student fellows. Additionally, the Forum invites distinguished scholars from academia and other institutions to present lectures and participate in conferences, roundtables and symposia. These events are open both to the University community and interested individuals from the general public.
The programs of the Tocqueville Forum are directed toward gaining a better knowledge of the underlying political, cultural, and social foundations of both the American Republic and other traditions. The principal aim of the Forum is to foster understanding among different traditions by engaging in dialogue and an exchange of ideas.
The name and purpose of the Tocqueville Forum reflects the goals of Alexis de Tocqueville who, through his critical evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of democracy, attempted to bring about an understanding of the democratic age to his fellow Europeans. The Forum expands on the Tocquevillian project by encompassing a global perspective.